Nutrition counseling to explore what true wellbeing means to you.


Intuitive Eating

Eating Disorder Recovery

Disordered Eating

Health at Every Size

Family Feeding

Weight Inclusive Nutrition



Initial Assessment

If we decide we are a good fit, after our discovery call we’ll schedule an initial assessment. In this visit I’ll get to know you and your reasons for seeking support with your nutrition. We will discuss your health and nutrition goals, past medical history, current health concerns and your relationship with food and body. We will start to define short and long term goals, discuss what you hope to get out of our work together, and explore what will be helpful to revisit in follow up sessions.

Follow Up Sessions

Following your initial consultation, we will check in on your goals and adjust as needed. We will work together to improve your relationship to food and your body while meeting any relevant health goals. Frequency of follow ups is determined together and based on your unique goals.

*All services are currently virtual through a HIPAA compliant telehealth platform.*


Looking to collaborate on an event?

I love sharing this message far and wide! Here are a few examples of workshops or presentations topics I’ve prepared in the past:

  • Eating Disorder Prevention in Pediatric Populations

  • Nutrition 101 for College Students

  • Intro to Intuitive Eating

  • Media Literacy and Body Image

If you are interested in discussing a presentation, project, or other collaboration, please email me at